Coat with polyamino acid.
1) Coat coverslips in bulk in 10-15ml 1mg/ml PLL (or 500ug/ml polyornithine), rocking or rotating for a minimum of 30 minutes in a 10 or 15cm tissue culture dish.
2) Save the polyamino acid (can reuse 3-4 times).
3) Wash the coverslips in dH2O, then ddH20 at least 5 changes in each (free polyaminoacid is cytotoxic).
4) Rinse coverslips in 100% ethanol and dry those to be used immediately on one end in an open tissue culture dish in a sterile incubator.
5) When dry, add cells.
つまり、freeのpolyLysは、それ自体変なものなのだと思います。 |