LoD is defined as “The lowest amount of analyte in a sample
that can be detected with (stated) probability, although
perhaps not quantified as an exact value.” In molecular diagnostics we commonly report results and make conclusions
at a confidence of 95%. Using this as criteria, we can calculate the theoretical limit of detection (LoD) by qPCR due
to sampling ambiguity, i.e., when analyzing a subset of the
total sample. This is the lowest concentration that leads to
at least 95% of the sample replicates being positive; hence,
at this concentration the risk for a false negative result shall
be less than 5%. This turns out to be 3 molecules per reaction volume for the IntelliQube. F
3コピーの理論根拠はこれのようです。Reaction tubeに1コピーぐらいになる溶液では、あるチューブはポジに出て他のチューブはネガにでるため、ポジ、ネガの判定を一つのチューブでするのには向かないのが理由のようです。
かといってReaction tubeに1コピーあった場合増えないわけではなく、優れたパフォーマンスのqPCRのばあいCt値はバックグランドより優位に低い値がでるため、検出できることは確かです。実際にこれくらい低いコピー数になると数十のReaction tubeをつくって同時にqPCRをするという手はとれます。 |