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Why rejection does not happen in BM chimera? トピック削除
No.5415-TOPIC - 2016/09/19 (月) 11:10:52 - bM
Hi, there, I am reading papers about a certain membrane protein.

This molecule is expressed in platelets.
To address the function of this molecule in platelets, they analyzed global KO mice's platelets.

Then, to see whether KO's phenotype is rescued by WT's platelet, they infused WT platelet into global KO mice.

Beautifully, WT platelets rescued KO mice's phenotypes.

I think these kinds of experiments are widely used in immunology field etc.

But this molecule is expressed in platelet's surface because of membrane protein.
So I am curious why in this case, infused platelets was NOT rejected by KO's immune system.
Because KO's immune system is immunologically naive to that molecule, so it is reasonable to imagine rejection to WT's platelets.

To infuse platelets, they did not irradiation on host.
So host's immune system should be functional.

Would you please give me your comments?


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No.5415-5 - 2016/09/20 (火) 11:47:04 - おお
They don't use immunosuppressor for the experiments, do they?

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No.5415-4 - 2016/09/20 (火) 08:18:01 - PK
It takes a while to induce adaptive immune reposnses against the membrane protein even if it is immunogenic. I guess the rescue experiment might be performed immediately following WT platelet infusion (because infused platelets cannot survive so long in vivo) prior to establishment of adaptive immunity against the protein.

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No.5415-3 - 2016/09/20 (火) 00:38:18 - TK-1
First of all, show the paper if it is published.

How do you know the missing surface molecule is antigenic?

(無題) 削除/引用
No.5415-2 - 2016/09/19 (月) 11:12:00 - bM
Opps, sorry.
This paper is not related with BM chimera.
So this title of topic is mis-leading.

I apologize it.

Why rejection does not happen in BM chimera? 削除/引用
No.5415-1 - 2016/09/19 (月) 11:10:52 - bM
Hi, there, I am reading papers about a certain membrane protein.

This molecule is expressed in platelets.
To address the function of this molecule in platelets, they analyzed global KO mice's platelets.

Then, to see whether KO's phenotype is rescued by WT's platelet, they infused WT platelet into global KO mice.

Beautifully, WT platelets rescued KO mice's phenotypes.

I think these kinds of experiments are widely used in immunology field etc.

But this molecule is expressed in platelet's surface because of membrane protein.
So I am curious why in this case, infused platelets was NOT rejected by KO's immune system.
Because KO's immune system is immunologically naive to that molecule, so it is reasonable to imagine rejection to WT's platelets.

To infuse platelets, they did not irradiation on host.
So host's immune system should be functional.

Would you please give me your comments?



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