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Difference between TGN46 and GM130 トピック削除
No.5237-TOPIC - 2016/07/12 (火) 23:35:35 - x40
Hi, there,

My molecule of interest seems to be localized at TGN.
But our lab does not have antibodies to stain TGN.
So I am wondering if I can use GM130 instead of TGN46 for IF in cultured cells.

Based on publications, GM130 is used to stain cis-Golgi.
TGN46 is for TGN.

My purpose is to co-stain my molecule with TGN marker.
The scope to be used is confocal scope and maximum mag will be x40.

If mag is not quite high such as x100, is it expected to see no staining difference between cis-Golgi and TGN? If so, I want to try...

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.


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(無題) 削除/引用
No.5237-4 - 2016/07/13 (水) 10:32:45 - 横
It may depends on resolution you need.
You can try GM130 to get rough idea first.

(無題) 削除/引用
No.5237-3 - 2016/07/13 (水) 03:27:07 - おお
You might want to see this.

(無題) 削除/引用
No.5237-2 - 2016/07/13 (水) 03:00:56 - おお
So, what conclusion can you draw by the experiment?

Your protein is co-localized with the cis-golgi marker, so that the protein is expressed in the trans-golgi...

I do not know much about golgi, but is there any marker to stain whole golgi?

Difference between TGN46 and GM130 削除/引用
No.5237-1 - 2016/07/12 (火) 23:35:35 - x40
Hi, there,

My molecule of interest seems to be localized at TGN.
But our lab does not have antibodies to stain TGN.
So I am wondering if I can use GM130 instead of TGN46 for IF in cultured cells.

Based on publications, GM130 is used to stain cis-Golgi.
TGN46 is for TGN.

My purpose is to co-stain my molecule with TGN marker.
The scope to be used is confocal scope and maximum mag will be x40.

If mag is not quite high such as x100, is it expected to see no staining difference between cis-Golgi and TGN? If so, I want to try...

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.



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