Potential Laboratory Hazards
Potential laboratory hazards associated with human cells and tissues include the bloodborne pathogens HBV, HIV, HCV, HTLV, EBV, HPV and CMV as well as agents such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis that may be present in human lung tissue. Other primate cells and tissues also present risks to laboratory workers. 7 Cells immortalized with viral agents such as SV-40, EBV adenovirus or HPV, as well as cells carrying viral genomic material also present potential hazards to laboratory workers. Tumorigenic human cells also are potential hazards as a result of self-inoculation.
==>8 There has been one reported case of development of a tumor from an accidental needle-stick. 9 Laboratory workers should never handle autologous cells or tissues. 1 NHP cells, blood, lymphoid and neural tissues should always be considered potentially hazardous. |