These inconsistencies can be explained, in part, bythe hypothesis of du Manoir et al. (1991). The authorspropose three different pathways during the G1phase.The Ki-67 decrease pathway is characterized by a de-clining Ki-67 staining and leads eventually to the exitfrom the active cell cycle (G0). If cells on this pathwayget stimulated by growth factors, they can enter theKi-67 increase pathway that brings the cells back into Sphase. Cells following the Ki-67 stable pathway exhibita constant intensity of Ki-67 staining during the G1phase. This pathway is thought to correspond to opti-mal local growth conditions.
It is generally accepted that the Ki-67 antigen stain-ing increases during S phase (du Manoir, 1991; Brunoand Darzynkiewicz, 1992). Moreover, it was shownthat this even exceeds the increase in DNA content(Sasaki et al., 1987; Bruno et al., 1991). During G2phase a further increase in Ki-67 staining intensitywas reported (du Manoir et al., 1991). The higheststaining intensity of the Ki-67 antigen is found inmetaphase (Braun et al., 1988; Verheijen et al., 1989b;du Manoir et al., 1991; Starborg et al., 1996), whereasduring ana- and telophase the Ki-67 staining begins todecrease (Braun et al., 1988; Starborg et al., 1996).... |