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protein precipitation トピック削除
No.3136-TOPIC - 2014/06/18 (水) 03:52:25 - おお
After TCA precipitation got popular, various methods came out to precipitate proteins from mixed protein samples in order to get total proteins: acetone precipitation, chloroform-methanol precipitation, TCA/acetone precipitation, etc. And it seems each method has some variations.

I was wondering if you know differences among these methods. What are these methods good at and bad at? Is there any experience that you can not precipitate proteins of your interest? How to choose the best one for my experiments among them.

Would you share your experiences and knowledge?
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No.3136-5 - 2014/06/18 (水) 16:17:50 - おお
>[Re:4] flowjoeさんは書きました :
> 膜タンパクなど界面活性剤が入ってると硫安沈殿やペグ沈は効きます?

Phase separation of liquid detergents such as Triton X-100 would occur under high salt conditions. Some hydrophobic proteins may be trapped in the detergent phase. If the detergent is powder, it may precipitate by addition of high salt. These results could be expected with anmonium sulphate.

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No.3136-4 - 2014/06/18 (水) 12:23:22 - flowjoe


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No.3136-3 - 2014/06/18 (水) 08:07:52 - おお


Thank you for the comment.

(無題) 削除/引用
No.3136-2 - 2014/06/18 (水) 04:10:16 - ほし

protein precipitation 削除/引用
No.3136-1 - 2014/06/18 (水) 03:52:25 - おお
After TCA precipitation got popular, various methods came out to precipitate proteins from mixed protein samples in order to get total proteins: acetone precipitation, chloroform-methanol precipitation, TCA/acetone precipitation, etc. And it seems each method has some variations.

I was wondering if you know differences among these methods. What are these methods good at and bad at? Is there any experience that you can not precipitate proteins of your interest? How to choose the best one for my experiments among them.

Would you share your experiences and knowledge?

5件 ( 1 〜 5 )  前 | 次  1/ 1. /1

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