pHrodo Red easily multiplexes with a wide variety of blue, green, and far red dyes and reporters such as GFP, Fuo-4, calcein, NucBlue, CellEvent Caspase 3/7 green, Mitosox Green, and Mitotracker Deep Red, among many others. pHrodo Green easily multiplexes with a wide variety of blue, red, and far red dyes reporters such as Mitosox Red, CellEvent Caspase 3/7 Red, NucBlue, RFPs, and Mitotracker Deep Red, among many others.
商品の添付文書をみると、pHrodoを細胞にかけて蛍光を測定したあと、色々なpHの溶液を細胞にロードして検量線を引けるようで、細胞自身が蛍光色素などで蛍光を発していても一応測定が可能ということのようですがそれでもだめですか? |