以下、Jackson laboratoryからの引用です。
The presence of a vaginal plug does not guarantee pregnancy: it only indicates that sexual activity occurred. The likelihood of pregnancy after mating varies with the mouse strain and with the phase of the estrous cycle when mating occurs. For most strains, the rate of pregnancy is highest among estrus-suppressed females with vaginal plugs found the third day after being placed with a male. As examples, whereas the rate of pregnancy is ~100% and 44% respectively for C3H/HeJ and BALB/cJ females with plugs found on the third day, it is only 62% and 31% respectively for those with plugs found on the fifth day. In contrast, whereas the rate of pregnancy for C57BL/6J females is only 39% for those with plugs found on the third day, it is 69% for those with plugs found on the fourth day.
ただ、E12とかE13って正直母マウスのおなかを触っても微妙で判定が難しいです。あけてみて空っぽはよくあります。 |